Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

We had an eventful Memorial Day, visiting the Acadia Cemetery in Eagan where Tom’s grandmother, grandfather and uncle are buried. They have a special service on Memorial Day, and my father-in-law was the keynote speaker. We were very proud! Here is is decked out in his full naval attire (it still fits!).

Here is the whole family.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Katie's Bridal Shower

My sister-in-law (I despise that “in law” nonsense) Katie will be married June 18 and I threw her a bridal shower, with the help of her mother and the bridesmaids. It was so fun to bless her!

Here are my two invaluable helpers:

Here is the spread of food at the shower. Erin made those beautiful cupcakes, which were the most-requested recipe! (The vanilla cupcakes stuffed with strawberry mascarpone cream were beyond words).

My partner in crime.

Katie opening her gifts.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Success

With six full years of marriage under my belt, I have learned a lesson or two. One of them being this: Men can’t read minds. I realize my profundity is astounding at this moment, but please stay with me. I knew that if I didn’t tell my husband my simple desires and expectations for Mother’s Day, I was probably setting myself up for disappointment and a truckload of pity. That doesn’t do anyone an ounce of good! So I told him that there is indeed a magic formula for making his wife blissfully happy on Mother’s Day ANY year. It is this: a homemade breakfast, a Tom-crafted latte, and some thoughtful piece of art from the kids = happy Liz. And flowers are not a necessity, but icing on the cake. And my darling husband pulled through and made me (allow me to brag) sourdough pancakes with real maple syrup and a poached egg, alongside a delectable latte.

Whilst dining on my fabulous breakfast, my two angelic children approached bearing colored Happy Mother’s Day pictures.

I’m not a fancy lady, with no crazy expectations.... as you can see. I got all I asked for on Mother’s Day.

....and THIS!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


So one of the highlights of my spring is that Tom gave me permission for our family to join a local CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture. We support a local farm financially with a monthly deposit, and they deliver fresh produce to a local drop site, where we pick it up weekly. I have been having fun trying new vegetables! Some recent interesting varieties: sorrel, sunchokes (also called Jerusalem artichokes), parsnips, nettles, and green garlic. I made rhubarb crisp, roasted parsnips, and mini parmesan asparagus quiches the first night! What an adventure.