Memories to be had on a beautiful Saturday in April! Since Ian has displayed a proficiency with animal sounds (okay, he only recognizably utters the horse sound.... see video), we thought it only appropriate to satisfy his interest in the animal kingdom by attending a community education . field trip for kids to a local farm, complete with cows, horses, chickens, goats, and llamas. The owners use the llamas’ wool for all sorts of things, and we were even able to buy fresh eggs! In bringing Ian, I realized we might have been a tad ambitious for our 1 1/2 year old, since he preferred running circles in the yard to petting baby animals. And we noticed he paid a fair amount of attention to the owner’s red pickup truck. Maybe we see automotive engineering in his future...? See more pictures from our day here
I love this picture because Ian is taking delight in the creative expression of messing up Erin’s hair! My sister was in town this past week, and we rendez-vouzed all over the twin cities, tasting authentic neopolitan style Italian pizza, visiting the breathtaking St. Paul cathedral, and stopping by our favorite dessert bar for cheesecake and a latte. Tom and I brought Erin to the Science Museum in St. Paul for the Race exhibit, which compares and contrasts caucasians, African Americans, Native Americans, Asians, and the origins and histories behind the races as well. We also saw an omnitheater showing called “Wildfire,” which documented the lives of firefighters fighting the unpredictable forest fires. After spending the afternoon and evening at the museum, however, Tom & I came to the conclusion that our money might be better spent when Ian’s level of concentration can surpass his boundless bursts of energy!!