Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Evergreen Showcase

My mother-in-law Carol came over this week and helped me make the most gorgeous addition to our front porch. Being a new homeowner and all, I am unlearned in the routines of proper home maintenance and decorating. Tom and I are continually learning! So naturally, I was at a loss as to what to do with my sparse and empty-looking urn once the summer bliss had wilted. It was doomed to detract from the house’s charm as it just wasted away on our front step, inviting sympathetic stares at every glance. Enter Carol, my landscape fairy!! I was astonished at how simple the process really was. You basically stick evergreen branches into the pot full of soil and VOILA!! But even more importantly, the kids and I were able to spend a lovely day with Carol, eating lunch and making Christmas cookies. I count myself truly fortunate to have married into such a wonderful family!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ian's First Piano Recital

We had a great time bringing Ian to participate in his first piano recital and really his first performance of any kind in front of an audience. When preparing at home and dialoging with him about the recital, I think he hadn’t quite grasped the reality of what a recital was! And understandably. Once at the recital, he didn’t show any tangible signs of stage fright... oh, except for his tongue hanging out of his mouth during the entire duration of his performance. HA! His solo piano piece was only five notes total, and he played it very well. Here he is pictured with his classmates, singing their group song, and also with his teacher Miss Briana. We are quite proud!!