Sunday, April 25, 2010

Nina's 2nd Birthday

Well... princess for a day. Doesn’t every little girl deserve it? My parenting philosophy is most definitely not towards spoiling, but on a birthday??? Open the floodgates! Unleash the tickles and bear hugs! I love to give a little extra love!!!!!

We had some great burgers (courtesy the Grillmaster, my handsome husband) and all of its accompaniments. I attempted a princess cake, which turned out pretty well! And it was great to have all of our family there to celebrate with us!

10 reasons why I love Nina so much:

  1. 1. She’s quite the charmer (one of her first words was “Cheese!” for the camera).

  2. 2. She’s got the best giggle in the universe.

  3. 3. She is quite the talker! My favorite sentence of hers? “Love you.”

  4. 4. She was born amidst blooming tulip and lilac season.

  5. 5. She hugs with more enthusiasm than ANYONE!

  6. 6. She’s a Daddy’s girl.

  7. 7. She loves to snuggle... it’s one of her top 10 most recurring words.

  8. 8. Her name means “grace of God.” What could be lovelier?

  9. 9. She and her bro Ian are best buds.

  10. 10. Can’t imagine life without her!


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Morning

Sunday morning commenced with the traditional Easter basket search. Ian and Nina’s were hidden in rather easy-to-find locations... although the Easter bunny was not so merciful to Tom. Here he is tearing apart Ian’s room, looking for his basket. Erin and I were also recipients of the Easter bunny’s generosity (and I’m glad he remembered how much I love Starbuck’s giftcards!).

Nina was visibly shaken to see a 3 foot tall bunny in the cupboard!

Nina eating her first marshmallow Peep!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Best

Here are photos from our trip to church for Easter. We actually went on Saturday evening this year, to make room for all the visitors on Sunday morning. Our services have been close to capacity and Easter was the highest attended service in the history of our church! Katie’s fiancee Jason joined us, but Carol had recently had eye surgery and wasn’t able to come. We are especially thankful for family on this holiday!!