From now on, you can refer to Tom as “pastor,” since he officially completed his licensing requirement for the Assemblies of God! Here is a pic of us on the big night. It was quite a sight to see Tom and myself kneeling in prayer up at the stage... me nine months pregnant and he with his bad snowboarding knee. We’re like an elderly couple with all our aches and pains. And what better way to celebrate Tax Day?! Congratulations to my talented and handsome hubby!
Okay, so I have a lot of half-finished books. This is a personal vice I intend to overcome, and lately I HAVE been making a dent in my pile of books. I think my problem is that I mix pleasure reading (mostly non-fiction) with practical reading, most of which I need quick advice for (parenting, etc.). There are times, unfortunately, when potty training emergencies trump, say... developing Godly character. Or maybe the two are intricately entwined??? Anyway, please don’t recommend a book to me in the near future, as I have my hands full with my current stack of 20+ books. But do get back to me this summer!
This must be the first year I am sad to see the snow go. Most Minnesotans are overjoyed to say farewell! My husband, however, is reluctant to end his season of snowboarding, and for once I agree... but not for the same reason. This year my pregnancy has caused a strong craving for me - snow! I am quite selective with which snowbank I feast from, but no doubt have enjoyed these past few months of powdery bliss. And in my enthusiasm, I was unable to hide my habit from Ian. He, unfortunately, is hooked as well. So now that the snow has almost completely melted (this is the last patch in front of the house), I have reconciled myself to resorting to crushed ice. But Ian recalls that feeling of sweet, cold crystals melting on the tongue and so reminds me whenever snow is in sight. This is not convenient when the last few patches are dirtier than a sailor’s mouth! Tom tells me that we are expecting snow two more days this week. In my pregnant desperation, I may attempt to build a reservoir to keep some in the freezer for months to come!