So.... I've had people inquire as to why Tom and I are choosing to home educate our kids. I have been mentally compiling a list of the reasons why. Some are foundational, but other are just perks now that we've made the decision! But mostly, it is the direction that we know God is leading us in.
When I was beginning to consider what type of schooling to do with the kids, a trusted friend said that she views parenting like a funnel - she keeps a protective grip on her children when they are young, then gradually loosens the grip little by little as they grow. It is a natural progression. Sometimes parents can attempt to do the opposite - overcommitting their children and letting them free more in their earlier years. Then they might tighten the grip in junior high or high school (out of fear of what their child will become involved in), just when their kids need freedom and to express individuality. I was really drawn to this analogy, and thought that having the kids with me more in their younger years was a wise decision.
I have also heard it said that to young children, time = love. I have a hard time thinking of letting Ian go to school 4-5, then 8 hours of the day. These are precious hours that I would love to spend with him! I am not saying that I expect to be with him all day every day throughout all of his schooling years, but I am just appreciating the extra hours that I get with him now!
Some skeptics of homeschooling say that socialization is an issue. Of course it is good for kids to get social interaction, but I think that much of the social climate in the public schools (and even private) is not always positive or productive. My kids have a homeschooling co-op that they attend twice a month, where they have time with kids their own age doing activities, and I also involve them in other fun pursuits, such as church, music lessons, swimming lessons, etc. I like that I can tailor the activities to what they are interested in and also what they are naturally gifted in. I think this has worked wonderfully already.
I also have concerns with how time is managed in schools. I personally remember lots of wasted time, and those are hours I would love to be spending with my children instead!
I love the idea of having control over WHAT my kids are learning (no, I am not a control freak)! First off, I want the freedom to integrate God's Word into my children's lives. Yes, I could always supplement if they were in public school, but I want the Bible to be a living, breathing, natural part of their lives. Not an afterthought, but the BACKBONE of their learning experience! I also have flexibility to choose what to study in each subject, and I find this liberating. There was much I learned in public school that was truly unnecessary and irrelevant to my life.
Some people feel intimidated by the thought of homeschooling, because they don't have all the answers. Do any of us?? I may not know all the answers to my kids' questions (especially Ian... he's fires them out nonstop), but I know where to find them, and I enjoy learning WITH them. It is exciting to be alongside them on their journey!
Lastly, I don't expect perfection. From any method of schooling. I know that most of my teachers had the best of intentions and did well teaching me and my peers. I just weighed the advantages and disadvantages of each method, and we came to the conclusion that this was a good fit for us. For now. That may change in the near future, or maybe not for 10 years. I am actually leaning towards having the kids in public school later.