Friday, May 15, 2009

Raising Kids

It is entertaining to notice the differences between my two children. Some differences are due to gender, others from personality variations. But I have never believed the saying “No two children are alike” more passionately than I do now! I am especially enjoying having a girl. Boys are great too, and I feel like had we had another boy, the differences wouldn’t be as pronounced in the two of them. Nina is social, dramatic and enthusiastic. Ian can be enthusiastic too, but is much more even-keeled and orderly. I have always been fascinated by birth order differences and wonder if my children can be categorized in the traditional roles. Hmmm... firstborns are conscientious, reliable, sometimes perfectionistic. Youngest are charming, like to show off, sometimes manipulative, and precocious. Those aren’t entirely accurate for my children at least, but I admit that some of those qualities are “spot on!” I am cherishing their differences and enjoying every little phase of our kids’ development!

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